- webdrivermanager
- commandline tool and a library to allow automated installations of webdriver binaries.
- robotframework-timer
Robotframework library that allows doing duration checks within test or testsuite level and then report those and mark cases/suites passed or failed if timing data is within given ranges.
- robotframework-seleniumtestability
SeleniumLibrary plugin that utilizes EventFiringWebDriver to introspect application state against asyncronous code.
- robotframework-remotetransfer
- Robot Framework library that allows transfering files via local robot instance and remote robot keyword server.
- pylint_junit
- junit formatter for pylint that just works.
- processcdb
- Python tool that scans provided compilation database and runs various static analysis tools against it
- robotframework-importresource
Robotframework library that allows importing resource files from installed python pacakges
- robotframework-guistatus
- GUI tooling to show status of currently running test execution in progress dialog.